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Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

"Semarang Kuliner" story

this time i want share about Semarang city...yeapp, a city that i now live in...
every city have another culture, specialties, and other unique tourist well as Semarang. it have many culture, unique specialties and unique tourist that must be preserved. so, u want to know what a semarang uniqie specialties ??
here they are..... :)

first i want to show you ::: "LUMPIA" :::

it made from vegetables such as carrot, bamboo sprout, and any else which wrapped with spring roll skins...its delicious :)

this is "Tahu Gimbal"

this is "TAhu Ponk"

and the best is "Soto Semarang"

and "tahu bakso"

much specialties in if u come to Semarang..don't forget to taste the food..You will never regret it when a try.

regard, (^__^)


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